退屈な日々 / Der graue Alltag


CNN Student News お休み?

英語学習のために、CNN Student NewsPodcastで見ていたが、先週末でschool yearが終了したのに伴い、しばらくお休みのようだ。新学期が始まる9月には再開するのだろうけど、サイトには何も案内がない。

最後の放送で、アンカーのCarl Azuzが秘蔵映像で思いっきり弾けていたが、こうしたトーンで米国の女子中高生の心を鷲掴みにできるのだろうか。知りたい。


This is the 2nd time this school year they have told me we were going to do something other than what we did, and I have paid the price. That is going to close us out this year. I apologize on behalf of all of us at CNN Student News. Now, we are not going away entirely over the summer, though right now I really want to. We're gonna be doing special shows online, and of course posting on our blog. You can check out all of that at CNNStudentNews.com. And send us your iReports showing us how you're spending your vacation. Thank you so much for an awesome school year. Hope you have a wonderful summer. For CNN Student News, I'm Carl Azuz.